Saturday, December 5, 2009

Power of Perception

Which is bigger an airplane or a star? From appearance the airplane is bigger; the truth is that most stars are far bigger than the earth. You will notice that at the closest contact an airplane actual size is bigger than what we perceive when it is flying.

The picture I am painting is that our senses does not give us the original picture or size or accurate information about situations, things or objects. We must accept this information as true; therefore realize that we don’t always have accurate data upon which to make judgments.

Do you realize that sun is also a star; it is the nearest star to the earth that is why it appears bigger than other stars. Other stars are visible in the night sky, when they are not shone by the sun.

Due to their great distance from the earth, all stars except the sun appear to the human eye as shining points in the night sky that twinkle because of the effect of the earth’s atmosphere. Stars range in size from Newton stars, which vary anywhere from 20 to 40km in diameter, to super giants like Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, which has a diameter 650 times larger than the sun- about 0.9 billion kilometers. Source Wikipedia.

The fact that we cannot see a thing does not rule out its existence. We should maintain an open mind, we don’t know everything. There are still lots of things to be discovered in all aspects of life. We don’t have the fastest cars yet, we have not built the finest house yet. There will soon be cure for AIDS, for cancer etc. More revelations will soon spring up from the bible. We will soon see faster airplanes. Open up your mind.

Once upon a time, it was observed that the earth was flat so nobody dared travel long distance; Christopher Columbus dreamed, dared, thought and superimposed that assertion, it gave birth to USA. Now it is known that the earth is spherical.

Our problems stare us in the face so they appear so big and insurmountable. When a man is hungry the need for food is urgent so it may affect his reasoning. When we understand perception we will begin to approach life in a different way. Some of us will divorce our marriage with impossibility we will realize that there is nothing that is impossible.

We must also realize that we see with our mind not our eyes. Truth does not rule the world imagination does. It is not necessarily the truth that dictates our action. But rather what we imagine to be true. The Lord Jesus said “you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free”. Anything that you know that does not usher in freedom is not the truth. It is what you perceive to be true. We consider ourselves expert in perception which is not true. To demonstrate this fact, read the information that follows, one time.


How many F’s is there in the above statement? Read once, you’re probably going to count 3F’s. But there are 6F’s in the statement you must have omitted the F’s of “OF”.

This is caused by Scotoma which is defined as a sensory locking out of our environment based on prior conditioning and/ or expectation. Most of our beliefs that we base our decisions upon are assumptions and hear says most we never really verified yet we claim ownership. 

The L.O.L.O. concept which is lock on lock out is when we develop a sentimental emotional attachment to those things we are exposed to first.

We can only consciously see one thing at a time.

Once you are lock on to a particular thing it is very difficult to see anything else. What we tend to do is that we consciously gather data to prove our decision are right; it is called cognitive dissonance theory.


Our brain has 3 parts they are the conscious, subconscious and creative subconscious.

Conscious part of the brain helps us to perceive our environment through our senses. This is coordinated by the reticular activating systems which determine how far we can see or what we can hear. And there is limit to what we can smell or hear. We are not fully aware of what is going around us, if we are, we will run mad. Dogs can see better than us, this informed the reason why human sight is aided by microscope and telescopes. Thus we are aware of other organism such as bacteria, fungi etc. We have knowledge of other planets, the size of the sun, the moon or the stars. The conscious part of our brain makes decision based upon perception, association, and evaluation.

The subconscious on the other hand stores data that the conscious part perceives as true. It handles automatic activities and over-learned skills such as driving, walking, sleeping etc.

The creative subconscious maintains sanity, it solves and resolves conflict and reduces stress. It selects the most currently dominant image of reality about me and makes me act like that image of reality. My creative subconscious is not bothered whether this is my best or not. It rather acts out whatever I have accepted as truth about my job, my wife or whatever, my creative subconscious works to make it so. If I told myself that I have a good job, my brain work to make it so. One of the ways we can put creative subconscious to maximum use is to learn not to turn away from life problems. When we face problems and refuse to run away from them we are engaging/tasking our brains and putting it to work. We are telling our brains that this is not the end of the world, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Our natural state is harmony. Therefore if we are faced with a problem that creates a disharmony, we work toward harmony.

Awareness is defined as how clearly I perceive and understand everything that affects my life. We cannot become anything that our awareness does not permit us to become. Our awareness is the key to our success. Our sense places limitation on our awareness. This is one of the reasons the bible teaches faith. Faith is seeing through God’s word which is our God given microscope and telescope. It helps us accommodate greater possibilities. Life is beyond what we can use. There are spiritual forces, there are spiritual beings we can’t just see them.

Principles That Can Help Us Increase Our Awareness

(1)I must know what I want before I can become aware of how to get it.
What this teaches is that we have a choice, we are not victims. The only two "haves" we have in life are :- we have to die and we have to make choices.
So what do you want? You are not concerned about how to get it or where to get it at this stage? The issue is what do you really want?
(2)I determine what has pay value?
Pay value is seeing the end from the beginning. What is in it for me? What do I stand to gain?

The consistently luck person is the who knows what he or she is looking for, knows the pay value and opens the filter thereby receiving the information that assists in achieving that goal.

We are a product of our thoughts we cannot do better than our level of awareness. So our concern is to dream, allow our imagination to wonder. Even if we cannot figure out the how of our dream, we know that the problem is not our dream.
But it is that we lack the necessary information or know-how. So we work on the know-how, open ourselves up to new ideas. We allow our creative subconscious to go to work.

The word of God is the truth, the bible is the truth.

There are two types of success the good and the bad success. Any of them manifest based on your source of information and what information you dwell on day and night. If you make the word of God your source of knowledge you will have good success
Joshua 1:8

Sources: Inspiration, Bible, Making Success a Habit by Steve Musseau

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Self Confidence, a must learnt skill in Life II

To catalyse our experience at growth we should labour to change and affect our feelings. We should set goals for ourselves that we can easily surmount, in this way we can boost our confidence. We are the best of the pack. We are wired for great things no matter what we are going through, no matter our state of health.
We need the understanding of the following to experience our true self.


Growth takes a long time. To be patient is to trust and never give upon the growth process, without making angry demands and expectations or worrying that the seed won’t flourish properly. We usually can’t foresee just how and when our efforts will bear fruits.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruits.

One must wait till evening to see how splendid the day has been.


To accept, this is to see clearly and with full awareness the good and bad, suffering and joy, as part of life and to experience life without battling, mostly that things be different or immediately trying to change, fix or get rid of present distress. Acceptance also means we will welcome the world as it is. It does not mean we should not do anything about our pains, distress or adversities. It teaches that we should have a clear mind about them, we should not allow them to push us into anxiety and become burnt out. Anxiety and fears resulting from our reactions makes it difficult for us to see clearly thus find a long lasting solution to our problems. If we can accept our challenges as reality of our world, it becomes easier for us to live a happy life and find solution to our problems.


Love heals wound and nurtures growth. Compassion is sorrow over the suffering of others, and a desire to help. We don’t have to wait for people to express it towards us before we show compassion towards ourselves. We can show compassion towards ourselves, when we are faced with problems, that is when we need to show compassion. We must be willing to help others, give and it shall be given to you, it does not have to be money.


Paradoxically, as we release externals and stop struggling so hard to be something we are not, we gain greater appreciation of who we are. If I insist that I need a certain kind of car in order to be happy, I might be sad if I don’t have it. If I get that car I might fear that it will be damaged or I might become angry if it gets scratched or stolen. So we can practice loosing our grip on what we demand in order to have happiness and self confidence, trusting that we already have every thing we need to be happy or confident.

In India monkeys are caught by attacking a treat-filled coconut to a string. The coconut has a hole large enough for the monkey to insert his open hand. Once the monkey clamps his fist on the banana or sweet meat inside the coconut the fist becomes too large to withdraw. Unwilling to release the grip, the monkey can be easily captured.

We should be very careful not to link our happiness to external stuffs such as money, marriage.


Does saying mean things motivate us effectively? Or do loving kindness and encouragement work better? A person who puts him or herself down finds it more difficult to rise. It can be quite liberating to realise that we don’t have to over-react to situations by using harsh, punishing judgments that leads to intense negative emotions. We should avoid using such words as I am dumb, I am stupid, I am a failure, if not is should passed my exams.

Life manual taught us not to judge not only others but ourselves. If we notice we are not doing well in one aspect of our lives, we should accept the situation and make plans to perform better when next the opportunity presents itself.

Beginner's mind

This imply an open mind, a learner’s mind, a mind committed to constant and never ending improvement. The mind of a child who is experiencing a some thing for the first time, without overlying expectations or assumptions. Approach problems with a possibility mind, with God all things are possible. Mark 11:23for verily I say unto you, that whoever shall say unto this mountain. Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he sayeth shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith.
We should approach life problem with possibilities, we see ourselves as being surrounded by helpers. We should understand that the universe is interested in our progress.

Good Humour

we should not take life too serious, we should rather enjoy
Life. We should watch event as they play out. Sometimes we may have to become spectator in our own movies, we will realize that our life story is the best seller.


It means we will practice the necessary skill even when we don’t feel like it. We have to be committed to staying confident.


This attitude helps us to be Calmly aware, without being drawn into harmful judgements about ourselves or the situation we encounter.


The generous heart gives from a sense of worth, not a need to prove one’s worth, knowing that one’s giving matters giving can be very simple – a smile, our full attention, patience, allowing people to be just as they are, courtesy, a helping hand, encouragement, food or money – offering what we can, in so far as this does not create undue hardship for ourselves. Sometimes we avoid people who are struggling, fearing that their suffering might contaminate us and drag us down. In so doing we close ourselves off from the joy of giving and loving.
The Yoruba have a saying
if the hunters considers the investment involved in a catching a prey he will not share his spoil with any other
. Giving is empowering, it is healing.

Reference: Bible, 10 simple solutions for Building self esteem: how to end self-doubt, gain confidence, and create a Positive self – image by gleam R. Schiralch, PHD.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Self Confidence, a must learnt skill in Life I

I noticed that naturally people without money sometimes lack self esteem. This is demonstrated in their inability to relate with people that has money. Some times what is called inferiority complex. I wonder how they intend to solve their money problem. I am not suggesting hero worshiping or idolatry. What I am saying is that we should be able to approach people we need leverage from. What we need to do is to find out what we are willing to offer in exchange for their help. Once we find out what can be offered we should be bold to approach them.

Self-esteem or Confidence is a realistic appreciative opinion of yourself. Realistic means we are dealing in the truth, being accurately and honestly aware of our strengths, weakness and everything in-between. Appreciative means we have good feelings overall about the person we see.

Our self esteem or self confidence is who we are which is not subject to change. Whether we have a disabilities or we have a social misfit all these does not change who we are. Our feelings does not have any effect on these, it is about how we were made in the image of our creator.

Self-esteem rests upon three building blocks which are;
1. Unconditional Worth.
2. Love
3. Growth

Unconditional Worth – Worth as a person is neither earned nor increased or reduced by external factors such as the way people treat you, bad decisions or fluctuations in your bank account balance.

Psalm 139:14 – “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully, wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works and my soul knoweth right well.”

Unfortunately, that is not the message that is passed across in our society. Our social status sometimes is determined by the kind of car we use, where we work. This practice is what encourages photocopy, when we try to be someone else not ourselves.

Rather we should act out ourselves, which is the movie that will make us the money we need.

Our self confidence should not depend on our performance, health status or social status.

“The culture we have does not make people feel good about ourselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work don’t buy it”

Most times we compete to show our worth, but we don’t have to. No man is worthless. Our core self, our worth represents attributes for living well. This includes capacities to love, think rationally, sacrifice, persevere, beautify, experience beauty and make good decisions. This natural attributes can be fine tuned. That is what God meant when he said we should renew our mind.

Romans 12:1-2 - “I beseech therefore brethren, by the mercies of God that ye presents your bodies a living sacrifice holy, acceptable unto God, your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

External Influence/ World – These things do not change our worth. These are appearance, vitality, health, economic status, gender, race, age , job title, promotions, awards, adversity, relationship, family (marital status), popularity, number of children, school grades, mistakes, moods, jobs or athletic performance, skill levels and control over events. Since the society is preaching a different message, that is why probably in this part of the world we are “title” crazy. That is why life manual advised we should not conform but rather be transformed.

What is love? According to life’s manual “Love is patient, kind, envies not, does not vaunt itself, does not puff, is not rude. Love is selfless and is not easily provoked. She does not keep record of evil, rejoices not iniquity, rejoices in truth. She believes all things, bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

From this we can conclude that love is the attitude that wants what is best for the beloved at each and every moment. A decision and commitment made each day and a skill we can learn. I do not subscribe to the school of thought that suggests that love is of different types such as Agape, Philo etc. Probably because I have not read Hebrew version of the bible. Likewise I will suggest that love is not a feeling, I think it is a conscious daily decision we have to make, it is who we are. I think so strongly it is the building block of all types of relationship, it is not only between a husband and wife, it is the only knot that can bind all relationships.

We must understand that
Human tell lies, they naturally make promises that they cannot fulfill because of their limitations.

Num. 23: 19 “God is not a man, that he should lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent.

Without love it is impossible to relate effectively with one another.

Growth is a direction, not reaching a destination. It does not imply we will not falter, it means we are committed to becoming a better person. Forgiving ourselves and others so quickly and pushing ahead.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Where is my money part 3

The first thing that will attract money into your life, if you are not inheriting so much, is your personal ability. Your skills, what you can do will determine how much you will be paid. I will divide the skills into two broad categories. Hard skills and soft skills.
Hard skill will further be divided into (i) physical strength (ii) intellectual strength.
(i) Physical strength – for example carrying load, digging, hawking etc.
(ii) Intellectual strength – accounting, engineering.

Soft skills in other hand refer to skill such as honesty, integrity, loyalty, all this can attract money into your life. Remember even a thief does not want his money to be stolen.
You must understand that:-
(i) That they are sometimes natural.
(ii) All these skills can be learnt
(iii) Sometimes it requires time to learn them.
(iv) The easier they can be learnt, the less money they attract.
(v) Remember that it is smart to start your life with the readily available skills, start from where you are. Earn money and use it to learn the difficult ones so that you can earn more money.

Though life does not end up 100% the way the story laid it out. Sometimes with deep understanding this system out laid I that story can be altered. It could be difficult, it will take extra effort. This is because human life is moulded by habits. If you are not used to winning it takes extra effort to start winning. Winning is an habit, it takes a man that understand discipline or who naturally has self control to graduate with a first class. Though there are variables, he will find it easy to learn such skills. But if you are used to winning, even if you experienced a barrier along your path your past experience at victory will motivate you to confront the barrier. “You should understand from the poor, the weak, and the financially uninformed. If you have too much debt, the world takes everything you have. Your time, your work, your home, your life, your confidence, and then take your dignity if you let them”. Robert Kiyosak

There are basically two types of people in the world.

The first set of people which constitute highest number of population believes that wealth is measured by how much money you make and how hard you spend it. They don’t have to appear poor on the outside, because they live in big houses, ride big cars, work in biggest corporation in town. Like wise they have big debts they must pay themselves. They are the prodigal sons, whose sin is that he spent all.

The second set of people understand that life is not about how much money you make, but it is about how much money you keep, how hard the money you have kept is working for you. So they are business owners, great investors. They invest in products, services which people can buy from them so they guarantee that money flows toward them. They understand that every body is their customer. They manipulate the system to attract cash flow from the other set of people. So we must understand that money flows always in the direction of the person that can take care of it.

We have just finished painting the picture of how money can flow into your pocket through either natural skills or learnt skills. I will like to emphasize that these fact does not make you a wealthy man, it is like putting fuel in your car it does not guarantee that the car will move. The sin of the prodigal son is not that he asked for his inheritance, his sin was that he spent all. What you do with the money that is flowing through you is more important than every other thing. That is what you will account for that will determine whether you will end up a victim of life and you will end up in Aso rock.

In order to build wealth, and make the kind of money you really need to gain financial freedom. You must be willing to make long term plans and avoid get rich quick strategy.

The steps you can take to move to the other side of the quadrant, where the truth will make you free.

(I) Learn from God.
God spent six days to create the world, it could have happened in a second. He started the world with just two people. Now we are over six billions. Understand this silent law, numbers experience geometric progression in short time. Six billion people compared to six thousand years. Time will multiply exponentially your effort if you learn to use it judiciously, it will not double it.
(II) You can now pick any of these potions or combine them depending on your energy/passion/hunger for wealth.

(1) Rise to the top of the corporate ladder in your field.
(2) You could decide to rise to a certain level and than launch out on your own.
(3) Start your own business using any of these potions.

(i) Build from scratch with the help of mentors, reading books.
(ii) Get an MBA from a prestigious school and get a fast track job up the corporate ladder to learn how to build systems
(iii) Buy a franchise
(iv) Network marketing.

I will be writing next on how to build self confidence.

reference: Cash flow quadrant by Robert Kiyosak, Bible

Where is my Money part 2

With this article we will examine how the flow of money which is like current,can flow from other peoples pocket to your pocket voluntarily.

What is money? Literarily money is a means of exchange. It could be exchange of product for product, or product for service or service for service. This implies you must come to the table with something, you must offer something in exchange. This simple law apply to vices such as prostitution etc. This is the singular reason arm robbers come with guns to take it by force because nobody is willing to let go of it just like that, unless they get something in return. Money according to its creators is an IOU guaranteed to be paid by tax payers of the issuing country. Money is only as good as long as the people have confidence in the government backing it. Though it was formerly backed by gold but all that have changed. Money is only money because of the confidence people have in it. That was why the coins are no more in Nigeria, just because Nigerians will not do business with it no matter how well the government promoted it. So you must learn that to attract money you must demonstrate confidence, self esteem. And others must have confidence in your abilities.

From this one can conclude that money is not the paper we carry about, it is actually abstract. The paper is just a symbol, a material to quantify or express our confidence, our values, our skill, and our wealthy. Imagine you are traveling to the USA and carry a plane load of N1, 000 naira notes. If you do not come cross another Nigerian that has equal amount of dollars and willing to exchange you may end up being stranded in USA because your naira note is worthless there. But if you go there with a ship load of diesel, you will make more friends than enemies. So we understand why dollar is valuable, it is because Americans are productive,creative people. Bill gates is the world richest man because he created Microsoft software that solves a universal problem. If the Chinese over take them in worthy then their currency dominates the dollars. That is why your makers said you should multiply dominate and subdue the earth.

So if I need money, what do I do? I go for value, skills etc.
I will have to learn how to create multiply, dominate and subdue.

How do I attract money?
Matt 25: 14-29. “Once upon a time 3 Nigerian graduates full of life, after they had completed their NYSC went job hunting. After searching for a while the best among them who graduated with a first class in engineering landed lot of job offers, but he chose one of them which is to work with an oil firm. He was being paid N300, 000 a month. The second with a second upper division after attending a few interviews finally was employed @ a bank to be paid N150, 000 naira a month. The last person eventually landed a job at a start up company which was paying him N35, 000 a month.
After 20 years the first class graduate runs his own company and has accumulated lot of wealth ; the other man that worked with the bank, now has his own stock booking firm and likewise accumulated substantial wealth. The last man had to retire from his places of work, tried his hand on business he failed. So he retired to the village to avoid the shame of the city.”

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where is my Money?

Where is my Money?
Money is a topic humans are scared to discuss both in private and in public because it erupt emotions, in the family between husband and wife, among parents and their kids. It is the cause of most divorce; it is the reason many kids are rebellious to their parents.
And this is so because we don’t understand the truth about money. It is the singular most important subject yet not studied formally. So, the reason for this informal vehicle and the purpose of this article and many more to come is to unravel the mystery behind money. So that rather than being its slaves, it becomes our slave.
Let me lay a solid foundation for this article with words of Robert Kiyosak. “If you know how to take care of money, money will flock to you, and be thrown at you. People will beg you to take it. It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. If money is not first in your head, it will not stick to your hands, then people with money, will stay away from you”.

The first lesson I want us to learn is that to be wealthy we have to see money as a game. Because it is actually one, we don’t have to see it as a means of survival.
When I say seeing money as a game, I am not talking about Ludo game which is based probably on 50% on luck. Even in Ludo game if you don’t throw the dice then you don’t score a number. So when I say a game I mean it has rules and laws guiding it. This also implies that it require skills. So we must be willing to learn and understanding its laws, learn its skills.

I will be addressing lots of things like answering questions such as what is money. How do I attract money? But before I go further, I will quickly solve a riddle which is a burden; remember the topic is “where is my money?” Your money not mine. I will answer by telling you to look around you, your money is in the pocket of people you come across daily. And those that your mind can see and comprehend.

And there are some basic ways to get the money out of their pocket:

(1) By force (2) willing and cheerfully.

Also the bible said that the lord loves a cheerful giver. But a lot of pastors think other wise.
By force could be stealing, arm robbery, 419, yahoo yahoo, rituals, fraud.
Cheerfully is either by selling (products/ service), solving their problems, inheritance, leading.

Where is my Money? Part1

Money is a topic humans are scared to discuss both in private and in public because it erupt emotions, in the family between husband and wife, among parents and their kids. It is the cause of most divorce; it is the reason many kids are rebellious to their parents.
And this is so because we don’t understand the truth about money. It is the singular most important subject yet not studied formally. So, the reason for this informal vehicle and the purpose of this article and many more to come is to unravel the mystery behind money. So that rather than being its slaves, it becomes our slave.
Let me lay a solid foundation for this article with words of Robert Kiyosak. “If you know how to take care of money, money will flock to you, and be thrown at you. People will beg you to take it. It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. If money is not first in your head, it will not stick to your hands, then people with money, will stay away from you”.

The first lesson I want us to learn is that to be wealthy we have to see money as a game. Because it is actually one, we don’t have to see it as a means of survival.
When I say seeing money as a game, I am not talking about Ludo game which is based probably on 50% on luck. Even in Ludo game if you don’t throw the dice then you don’t score a number. So when I say a game I mean it has rules and laws guiding it. This also implies that it require skills. So we must be willing to learn and understanding its laws, learn its skills.

I will be addressing lots of things like answering questions such as what is money. How do I attract money? But before I go further, I will quickly solve a riddle which is a burden; remember the topic is “where is my money?” Your money not mine. I will answer by telling you to look around you, your money is in the pocket of people you come across daily. And those that your mind can see and comprehend.

And there are some basic ways to get the money out of their pocket:

(1) By force (2) willing and cheerfully.

Also the bible said that the lord loves a cheerful giver. But a lot of pastors think other wise.
By force could be stealing, arm robbery, 419, yahoo yahoo, rituals, fraud.
Cheerfully is either by selling (products/ service), solving their problems, inheritance, leading.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Faith the Genuine Engine Of Growth

(1) Understand that we all have faith in something.
(2) That nothing is possible without faith.
(3) That as human that our action and in action is governed by words.
(4) The things we listen to and choose to believe determine our action.
(5) We should therefore direct our energy on things that benefit or bring us happiness in the long run
(6) We should understand that both fear and faith are fuelled by words.
(7) Both fears and faith involve risk.

Faith is the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality. Faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. The reality of our world is that we are governed, or our world is powered by dreams, ideas, vision and revelation, which are intangible things. Unfortunately we live in a physical world. By physical we mean those things our hands can touch, our noses can smell, our ears can hear, our eyes can see and our bodies can feel. In science one of the law of matter states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another. This is basically exemplified with water. At normal temperature it is liquid (water), if the temperature comes down to about 0oC it becomes ice, when boiled to about 100oC in turns into vapour. In the vapour form it seems as if it has been destroyed, the fact is that it has actually changed form to gas (vapor). This clearly depicts the phase between ideas, dreams, visons and their manifestation in the physical form.
Analytically, lets consider a jobless graduate probably she has been jobless for a few years. So she needs to get a job badly. She has to be convinced in her mind that she can get a job first, in order for there to be the physical manifestation. She needs to be assured not from outside but from inside, what she needs is the education of her mind. She needs to find the actual thing she needs to engage in to get his/her self gainfully employed. All the times what she needed to do, or where she could have gone to get the job has already be revealed to her. But the idea may not appeal to her,probably looks ordinary or her beliefs had held in bondage; it is not all gold that glitters.

Using my own story I had to become “desperate” to get out of joblessness. The answer 1 found in a book, Rich dad, poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Because I was convinced in mind it was time to get a job. I could use the knowledge I got from the book because believed what the book said. The idea or the strategy presented by the book is intangible, I could choose to discard it. I actually shared it with a friend who told me it is not practicable. But because it was imparted into my mind I know it was the answer. I will not share the idea in this write up, because someone else may try it and may not get my kind of result, faith is personal. The company that I worked for had always been in my neighbourhood but I never visited them until this revelation birth faith on my inside. So I became bold enough to write them because I discovered what to tell them. Faith is knowledge, or put in a different form. Faith is synonymous to knowledge. You can call faith truth. The life manual said it comes by hearing, and he said how can they hear unless they are taught. What you don’t understand or know cannot propel you to action. Or better placed faith is understanding of the fact or the truth, knowing what works without physically seeing it. But you must be able to picture it in your mind for you to see it physically, it has nothing to do with religion. It is one of the basic ingredients of life, a sine-qua-non, without which you will not experience growth. It is either your mind is governed by fear or it is dominated by faith, your mind cannot be neutral. The reason why people don’t feel happy about the idea of going to work, is because they can’t figure out how the work can help with fulfilling their dreams or vision. They can’t equate the work to what they really want out of life. So everybody has faith, it means everybody knows something. And what you know determines the kind of result you get.

While I was still an undergraduate, some of my friends in school reported me to my mother that I was visiting the beer parlour regularly. So my mother confronted me with this issue expecting that I answered yes or no, but I shocked her. And asked her a question in return, I inquired from her who she wanted to believe, her son or the friends that came to report me. That if she had made up her mind to believe the report, no matter what I told her it will be a waste of time. That if she chose to belief me that whatever I told her she would believe. She was furious that I was playing around words and reported me to her very close friend. I told her the same thing. This is because there is no way she could proof what they told her or what I would have told her. The day she caught me with beer she needed no more proof. Most of the time in life, unless those that has been proved, there are few facts. We live our lives based on what our mind has been conditioned to belief. We depend, on what we hear, or read to live. No wonder the life manual, said the just shall live by faith.

This will lead me to the life manual; the Christian has equaled faith to (capital) money, which is not totally wrong. What is wrong about it is that they carry on as if there is only one kind of money or faith. We have different types of money: Naira, Dollars, Pounds, so also is faith; the issue is that what the life manual centred its teaching on is the God kind of faith or what you can term faith in God's word and ability. And why this is quite a mystery is that you can’t see God, which is the reason many represent their Gods with images. This mystery I had solved in another article or seminar, so living your life or being propelled into action based on what God said is really a problem to some folks. But without faith nothing happens, and your faith must be based on something or somebody, words or ideology. For example, an atheist demonstrates faith in an ideology.

Definitely we have been living our life’s based on what people or other human like us said. Now, someone trained as a doctor carried out some test on you based on some devices created by men and concluded that you have a terminal disease. And someone on hearing that may decide to commit suicide. This is because we have trust in the man called, doctor, his knowledge and his devices. I am not preaching doubt in medicine. But we should realize that human tell lies. It is natural for human being to tell a lie when you meet one that says the truth, celebrate him. From the character of God described in the life manual he is the only entity that has no business lying to man because he is greater than man. Imagine IBM and Bill Gates telling a lie to a computer, what they created. IBM and Bill Gates do not owe the computer any obligation, because they are its creator. God does not loose a thing by telling you the truth, why will he tell you that trust in his words can heal your disease if when he has told you otherwise it still does not change anything about the fact that he is God.

Faith is the engine of growth. Be careful the information you live your life by, because life starts and end in the mind. It took men of faith in possibilities to create the cars, phone, and all the wonders of our world. So what do you have faith in, what is that thing that your mind is telling you is possible. Remember ideas are beyond our five senses and are intangible. You need faith in them to bring then to manifestation. When it is a fact believe man, when there is no proofs believe God. Fact is anything that has been proved to be true, correct and will not change in spite of time or circumstances. Somebody said the earth was flat and limited a few, and Colombus dared and travelled round the earth, the Wright brothers consolidated his effort and manufactured the airplane. Since then it has become a fact that the earth is a round mass, anything that is spherical is a success, the balls are round and have made more millionaires than broken legs. Attached to your problem is the solution so look closely and carefully and you will soon be celebrated.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Problem is the gap between where you are and where you are going.

Most times when we come across difficulties we tend to avoid them or choose another route. This is because our minds are dominated by fear and we think that difficult problems, persecution, afflictions are not natural things. Sometimes we are deceived to believe that it is because of our transgressions or inordinate behaviours.

The story of Job made me realized that even righteous people are faced with problems. Problems are reality of our lives that will definitely show up whether we invite them or not. So we need to arm ourselves with problem solving skills. And the truth is that we can only develop these skills by facing our problems.

There is no promotion without examination. Problems are the examinations of life, no wonder in the formal school mathematics they are also called problems. e.g. Hard Maths.

In order to move forward in life, we must face every problem that confront us, that is the only way to the top. If don’t kill the bear and kill the lion you can’t defeat Goliath. If you run from the bear, and run from the lion you won’t have the courage to face the Goliaths. Then who will crown you king.

Peradventure you come across a king, don’t ask for money, nor positions tell them to teach you how to solve problems. No problem, no crown.


The truth is that we all have the Entrepreneur skill, we all know how to start out. It was battle royal among over a million sperms before you finally succeeded in becoming a baby. Likewise it took a lot of start up strength or energy for a baby to walk on her two feet. Observing my first daughter walk, I discovered why a lot of people don’t get result always. The truth is that there is no total failure; you definitely had experienced some successes in the past. If you carry out a careful assessment of your life, you will discover that you have done before what you thought could not be done sometimes in the past.

But to be a winner, or dominate in life, past victories don’t really count. They are only good as nuggets or catalyst for that victory you need to have now. The secret I am about to reveal, is the reason we always get result when it is a matter of life and death. We always get the desired result when there is a deadline.

Who is a winner? `A winner is someone that is focused on the end product rather than the process. While my daughter was learning how to walk, I discovered so many times that she would try to walk but fall. These falls, sometimes are fatal she would cry and sometimes sustain injuries. I also discover she kept trying, and she was getting better until she could walk, run and jump.

So I learnt the lesson that growth could be painful. So if in your past attempt at getting result, you refused to keep the memory of the end product which is your achievement, the accomplishment. But chose to store the pain involved in the process. So incase the only experience you stored about the process of growth is pain. So anytime the opportunity for growth presents itself, the painful experiences flashes, therefore a retreat to your comfort zone.

But if you understand that the pain is for a moment, that the result is more important than the pain. You will grasp the opportunity that life is presenting you. You have a choice, this system will never change; you are the one that will have to change.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Understanding Success Part 1

What is success?
Humans have ignorantly attempted to define their success. This is totally wrong and it is the major reason for the chaos in our world whether in form of economic recession or wars. Some selfishly set standards and made most of us believe that if we don’t meet those standard then we are not successful. So many of us have been living our lives trying to measure up to those yardsticks. My life’s manual said” has not the potter power over the clay…” Then I connected this statement with my world and concluded that man’s effort to define his success is like a computer telling its manufacturer be it IBM or Dell I am a successful product. It is up to the manufacturer of a product to determine whether a product is successful or not. So if man did not create himself that it is up to our maker to define our success. Every manufacturer before making any product set out with a goal in mind about what he intends to achieve with the product. So it is up to him to determine the success of his product. Humans are products. In all its intelligence a computer is useless without a user, the user can only relate with it through means that the maker had devised that it could be communicated with. So also is man we don’t have to be deceived by our sophistication. We are like a user to our body just like a computer operator is to a computer. We must communicate with our maker, find out our manual and study it to learn our communication strategy only then can we be a good success and be truly happy.
So success is not definitely acquiring material things which are the creatures of other men like us. Those that created these material possessions that some of us are willing to maim, kill ourselves for are people that understood how to communicate effectively with their maker and have delivered their purpose on earth.

The first lesson” No products determine its success, has not potter power over the clay.” The second lesson “you cannot attain success until you can discover and communicate with your God.” To grasp this second concept we will have some assumptions, one that our manufacturer or creator or maker is called God. Our second assumption will be that God is an English word and since this text is written in English you will permit me to use God. I will not give the evolution theory a chance, trying to claim that man was not created rather that man evolved, I think we have waited long enough and man has not evolved into another being. The reason why I align with this my intuition is because I am environmentally intelligent. Looking around I discovered none of my products or creature know man. Man is unknown to them, a car does not know its manufacturer it can only relate with it, they both operate on different level. So that the creator of man is invisible to man is not a great puzzle. So I am not scared to identify with an unknown God but definitely scared to take an iron or a tree creatures like me as my God they are definitely creature like I am. Which are created by my creator, because I have created lot of things myself he has likewise created so many. The journey to your discovery of your God starts with the fact that you must accept you are created and he created you to achieve his own purpose.

History taught us that there are many Gods represented by different objects as source of worship. History likewise taught us that they must be worshipped, which is a theory accepted by 95% of the world population and we cannot all be wrong. So assuming there are many Gods, you must discover your own that is how your success journey starts when you lay hold on your manufacturer manual. By discovering your God I mean you find out means you can communicate with him so that you find your purpose on earth. You don’t have to bother yourself about seeing him, be bothered only by your existence. We should not allow our level of intelligence to be our disadvantage since we have enough human problem to solve we should bothered about getting them solved. For example in my own country we have leadership problem, we have power problem and so many others may be you are the solution. So start this journey as fast you can. In the second part of this write up I will introduce you to my God, incase you have difficulty discovering your god, mine may be similar to yours. We should not be like a Honda CRV who is trying to figure out who created it. This is too tough a question for a Honda CRV to answer. The most important thing is to learn how to relate with him, that you have an unknown God should not be a mystery. That is how we probably are mysteries to our creatures. We are all in this world to play a definite role, that role we must make ourselves available to fulfill.
Sources: Bible(Romans9:11), Making Success a Habit by Steve Musseau.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just 1 Thing

Just one thing...
And these are they that are seen among thorns, such as hear the word and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and lusts of other things entering in, choke the word and it becomes unfruitful, you are created to lead a fruitful life, a life full of your desired results. There is something called ‘the word’ that belongs to you that you must hear. And when you hear this “the word” there are some things you must do about it you must not be too excited because it will be exciting to you. It will resonate with something within you and generate vibrations but don’t be too excited. No army goes to war with another country stronger than she is in military strength win such battle without proper planning and strategy. You must sit down and process ‘the word’ receive it into your spirit, understand the way it works. Even though David who happened to be one of foremost King in Israel was specifically chosen by God, anointed by Samuel a great prophet. Yet attaining the throne was not automatic for him. He fought battles to claim the throne that God gave him, his birthright. You must understand that the road to success is not smooth, without friction there is no motion. That God called you into ministry does not mean you will just wake up and you will have the largest ministry in the world there are hurdles you must jump over. You must be able to figure out what is the joy that is far ahead, for David it was marrying the king’s daughter so he was connected to the throne. What is that thing you are willing to take all the risk in this world to make yours. That is what processing “the word” is all about. Figure out that desire that will encourage you to solve all the problem you meet on the way. Most importantly you must be able to push ‘the word’ to number one position in your priority list. You have to truly make it number one. It must become more important to you than sex and food. You must be willing to fast for it (deny food) for it. You must be willing to deny yourself some luxury for it. It must be more important to you than power, than position. There must be singleness of purpose, it must be that one thing ‘the word’. Remember you don’t have to do anything to hear “the word”. The thing that singular thing you are have to do is in you, it will discover you. All you need to be is a good soil. Are you a good soil? A good soil is any soil that will turn a seed to a tree or fruits. Ideas are not scarce they are always there if your intelligence is not good enough it is either you cannot see them or they are useless to you.

Handle your present assignment so seriously. And never leave any problem you face as a result of your present assignment unresolved. Solve all the problems that your present assignment throws up. Are you am employee do your work with all diligence. Serve your boss with all your heart. Remember your “the word” is the only guarantee for your freedom. David killed the bear and the lion that were trying to stop him from carrying out his duty diligently. So when Goliath showed up he had acquired enough experience to defeat him. It does not take a fight to become the best boxer in the world. You will have to fight lots of battle most of them in obscurity, some of them will not really make sense to others but you are learning from the best teacher, experience. Your Goliath will soon blossom, the last hurdle to make you a star. It is the stony soil that will metamorphose into sandy soil and to a very good soil. When you are a good soil you will resonate with your “the word” because it has always being there. Your “the word” is like a radio wave which without an appropriate receiver is not useful. Are you the appropriate receiver, if you are and when you are you will hear “the word” and receive it and begin to understand it and start manifesting progressive result. If you are not faithful in that which is another man who will handover your own to you. If you are not faithful with little things, and cannot manage mammon who will give you true riches.

Monday, May 18, 2009

30% is a good mark in lifes school…

30% is a good mark in life’s school…
So why don’t you abandon the formal school and enrol in God’s school. The formal education system definitely does not always throw up the best. Doing well in university or in a secondary school does not imply you will do well in real world. Ignorant some allow the result they came out with in school to determine the outcome of their lives. I was entangled in this trap for a few years in my life before I broke free. If the result you came out with in the university is not favorable you can retrain yourself. Remember humans designed the system and those that designed it definitely did not pass through it. The concept I will be sharing with this jab, if you understand it, will bring about freedom into your life. Then you would have learnt how to start small and from where you are.

A friend released something into my spirit some years back. Ever since the word stuck, may be because it made sense to me. He said that if money was important for our success at birth God would have squeezed enough into our hands that since we did not come out of the womb with money. This implies all we need to be who we need to be is already in us you are the determining factor. I discover the reason I don’t act probably why so many other don’t act is the fact that they are not sure their acting will produce their desired result, I have also realized that it is because we don’t understand the concept called result. It’s definitely not our fault , in formal school the grading system is not designed to really teach success most of the time it promotes competition in my own country 40% and below is graded failure. I think it is like this because there are not enough schools especially universities so somehow there must be screening, so this system that is defeating. Likewise universities, polytechnics do not have enough courses to cater for all of man,s gift and talents so if you don’t meet their standards then you are a failure but I since discovered something in life’s manual that 30%is a very good mark and it’s also the worst result you can have in life, if you follow life’s curriculum. So why not enrol in life’s school. And others falls on good ground and did yield fruit that spring up and increased and brought forth some thirty and some sixty and some hundred , but he that received seed in the good ground is he that hears the word, and understand it who also bears fruit and brings forth hundred folds some sixty and some thirty. The issue is that what school system has programmed in us as good result, is with the same understanding we approach life school. In life 30% is a good mark when you score 30% you are marked good there is no failure in life until you accept failure. The slogan in life is that you can be better than you are doing right now. No matter the result you have in your life understand clearly that God scores you good, he only encourages you to do better to turn all your potential energy to kinetic energy, are you jobless ? It is a good result. If you are not qualified in the first place you cannot be called jobless life teaches you how to get a job because you can get one. Remember what the formal school system teaches you is wrong, there is no failure in life, if you understand this principle you can start a world class company from your one room apartment. Microsoft started from a garage. The billions of people in the world started out with one disobedient man and woman , God is not surprised at your actions don’t allow the devil to succeed at condemning you.
Life is progressive start with what you have and from where you are. Understand clearly also that the same way information is passed across in the formal school, it is the same way it is passed across in real life. The format is hear,understand and avoid distraction, be attentive, be serious. In formal school you are expected to listen, read be attentive as your teacher teaches. In life you are tutored by the best teacher is names is experience. It is the smartest to learn from other people's experience you can do that by being attentive, observant or better by reading their books. So erase, remove this word from your vocabulary failure, it’s not from God probably from the hell there is no failure in life you cannot fail you can only do better and you can be the best, you can become perfect. Hear, receive bring forth good fruit. The things that will bring about good result in your life are those you heard and understood. You are synonymous to the soil, you are created for multiplication. Your system is designed to receive dreams, desires, information, revelations ideas and blow them up. You are made to develop ideas into useful profitable, tangible stuffs just like the soul receive the seed and grow up into a tree. There is a microsoft , a Globacom, a Warren buffet, a Cadbury, a Shell, an Oceanic bank in everyone of us.

You must understand that there are enemy of ideas or desires. The vital enemies are impatience(inability to process information before action), there is the deceitfulness of riches, false ideas/suggestions about how to make/create wealth, there is care of this world, anxiety about what will eat,wear or drive. Then there is lust which drive for immediate gratification,fornication, adultery, covetousness. Multiplication is a natural process, just like the seed turns into plant with a little or no external influence that is how you are wired to be fruitful. It is impossible for you not to have an idea,desire, revelation,information, word that can provide answer to all your concerns.
The question is what is condition of your spirit, what dominate your thought realm. Do you see possibilities are you a victor or you are a victim.